Quantitative Research
My undergraduate coursework in psychology and its emphasis on research provided me with a strong understanding of positivistic research and how it aids academic professionals in their practices. During my undergraduate career I served as a research assistant for ten studies helping to collect, enter, code, and analyze data, as well as write research proposals and requests for Human Subjects and Research Board (HSRB) approval. These experiences have provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge in conducting quantitative research in the social sciences. To grow in the area of collecting, coding, and analyzing, I used books such as Biopac Laboratory Exercises (Pflanzer, 2004) as well as going through HSRB training both as an undergraduate as well as a graduate student at Bowling Green State University.
My undergraduate coursework in quantitative methods, research methods, and two psychology lab courses, as well as my graduate coursework in statistics and research have helped expand my knowledge base in the area of quantitative research. These courses help me become knowledgeable in: SPSS software to analyze data, what statistical analysis to use depending on variables and what is being tested, how to present results, and creating a study that uses variables, samples, and measures that are appropriate for information I am trying to gain. Creswell’s (2008) text, Educational Research, serves as a great resource for understanding the importance of research, how to conduct it, and the best practices for doing so.
I have used my knowledge of quantitative research to create surveys that I use to assess my perceived academic advising abilities, as assessed by the students I meet with in advising appointments. I plan to use this research knowledge as I continue my educational endeavors in a mental health counseling program by working with faculty, and ultimately obtaining my PhD in mental health counseling. My quantitative research knowledge will serve me well as a professional in student affairs to assess outcomes of programs and procedures, as well as help me achieve my ultimate goal of a PhD through research for my dissertation and tenure.