The final area of knowledge I want to enhance is the area of law in student affairs as well as mental health counseling. Laws in student affairs and counseling will both be important for me, especially if I achieve my goal of working as a mental health counselor in an institution of higher education. Understanding law in higher education and counseling is important so I can protect myself, my students, and my clients.
Law: Development Plan
To improve my knowledge in the area of law in student affairs and counseling, during my first year I will review, follow, and understand the FERPA and HIPAA laws of student affairs and counseling. I will also read The Law of Higher Education (Kaplin & Lee, 2006), as well as read and abide by the Code of Ethics and professional standards in Counseling. To continue to improve my knowledge of law, during my second year I will take an elective related to law in either counseling or student affairs. I will also continue to read about higher education law through alerts from the Chronicle of Higher education. During my second year, it will also be important for me to familiarize myself with licensing laws for counselors in Ohio, as well as join the American Counseling Association so I am able to be an insured counselor. During my third year I will continue to stay up-to date with recent issues in higher education, read the student handbook through the lens of a faculty member, as well as delve into more information regarding academic honesty because I will be acting as an instructor as well as a student.